Connecticut Insider/ Fairfield Citizen
Yale grad uses photos from Antarctica to address climate change in new Fairfield U. exhibit | January 2, 2024
Helen Glazer was interviewed by Jarrod Wardwell about the upcoming exhibition of Walking in Antarctica at the Fairfield University Art Museum which appeared in the print editions of the newspapers and online.
JMore Living
Natural Artistry | November 2023
Helen Glazer is interviewed by Baltimore writer Jonathan Shorr about her artistic journey and what led her to Antarctica and the Arctic. Read it here.
MPAartfest: Meet the Artists
October 2020
Helen Glazer is interviewed by Helen Frederick for MPAartfest, the annual arts festival of the McLean Project for the Arts in McLean, VA. The interview is the first in this segment and lasts about 15 minutes. Watch on YouTube.
National Academy of Sciences, Issues in Science and Technology
Walking in Antarctica | Summer 2019
One of Helen Glazer's Antarctica photographs appears on the cover of the quarterly magazine of the National Academy of Sciences. There’s also a feature inside with a description and three photographs from her Walking in Antarctica traveling exhibition. The magazine is published both in print and online.
Adobe 99U Magazine
Working Remotely from Antarctica to Albania | Issue 19, Winter 2018/2019
Helen Glazer is one of three artists interviewed by Lauren Covello Jacobs on "what it's like to live and design in out-of-the-way locales" for Issue 19 of Adobe's magazine for creatives. The article appeared in the print edition (cover shown right) and is also online at the 99U website with some of her photos.
On the Record, WYPR 88.1, Baltimore, MD NPR News Station
"Walking in Antarctica" Art Inspired by a Frozen World | December 1, 2017
Interview about the exhibition at Goucher College and Helen's experiences in Antarctica by Sheilah Kast, produced by Melissa Gerr (14:25). Listen online.
Atlas Obscura: The Year in Wonder Series
The Artist Shrinking Antarctica's Glaciers | December 13, 2017
The Antarctica project was the subject of a detailed article by Cara Giaimo on the international travel, adventure and all-round compendium of offbeat curiosities website Atlas Obscura as part of "The Year in Wonder" series. Titled "The Artist Shrinking Antarctica's Glaciers," it focuses on how Helen creates 3D models of the Antarctic landscape. Atlas Obscura is a travel and exploration website that "celebrates a different way of looking at the world." Read article.
Baltimore Jewish Times
'Walking in Antarctica' with Owings Mills Artist Helen Glazer | October 13, 2017
Two-page illustrated interview by Susan Ingram about the Antarctica project. The Jewish Times is a weekly magazine. Read article.
Baltimore Magazine
Editor's Picks | October 2017, p. 123
"The fall marks the beginning of the artistic year. As a result, the creative calendar is literally bursting with concerts, exhibits, and theatrical events. These are a few of our favorites, some of which are sure to get you in the activist spirit." The nine featured events included the exhibition of my Antarctica project at Goucher College. Other events on the list included exhibitions and performances at Baltimore's premier cultural institutions: the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore Museum of Art, Center Stage, and the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. Read online.
The Beacon
Finding art in Antarctica's ice | December 2017
Cover story interview by Zita Petrahai about the Antarctica project. The Beacon is a monthly newspaper distributed throughout the Baltimore area. Read article.
Baltimore Fishbowl
‘Walking in Antarctica’: Artist Helen Glazer Presents Images from Tour | November 2, 2017
Article by Rachel Bone about the exhibition at Goucher, focusing on how it combines art, science and environmentalism. The Baltimore Fishbowl is an online daily news publication. "Baltimore Fishbowl reports the fun, factual and sometimes controversial scoop on local schools, real estate, money and power, culture, lifestyle, and community." Read article.
Washington Post
In the galleries: The Trawick Prize | September 21, 2017
From a compilation of short takes on ongoing exhibitions in the Washington area by art critic Mark Jenkins: "For 15 years, the Bethesda Arts & Entertainment District has awarded the Trawick Prize to artists from Washington, Maryland and Virginia. Selected from more than 370 entrants, this year’s eight finalists are mostly from the Baltimore area. (There’s one Virginian among the Marylanders.) Most of the pieces are mixed-media and 3-D. Among the highlights are photographs by Amy Finkelstein, sculpture by Renée Rendine and the work of Helen Glazer, who does both..." Read article.
The Marc Steiner Show, WEAA 88.9 FM, Baltimore, MD NPR News & Jazz Station
Sound Bites: Baltimore Ecosystem Study | March 3, 2016
In this segment of the Marc Steiner Show's series about our food and our world, he speaks with participants from the Baltimore Ecosystem Study, a consortium of long-term research projects examining Baltimore’s ecosystem: Helen Glazer, Dr. J. Morgan Grove, Dr. Shannon LaDeau and Dr. Christopher Swan. Listen online.